Unless Carold Shield - notes
UNLESS : Carold Shield

Reta trying to writing second novel / a sequel .
(A sequel: a published, broadcast, or
recorded work that continues the story or develops the theme of an earlier one.)
‘’Alicia was not as happy as she deserved
to be.’’
Reta planning
to changing novel’s mood.
Why would
a woman leave such personal diaries behind?
To punish , to hurt.What ecpect?
Ø Be perfect.
· Motherhod makes just mother to woman.
· Norah goes to the library first and try to learn what is Goodness. That book is ‘’The Goodness Gap’’
Ø Pair
of old gardening gloves.
Ø Is the old box room in the attic : The Mad Woman in the Attic.
The Mad Woman in the Attic : woman who are write novel is mad in the attic.
Tom’s father was doctor so he follows his
father. It’s traditional.
· Tom is a doctor with special hobby.
- What does trilobite symbolize?
Ø Because woman thinking.
· Reta’s first novel make very fame (My Thyme Is Up). People are shocked.
appealing’’ the New York Times Book Review said.
‘’Mrs. Winter’s book is very much fort he moment, thought certainly not fort
he ages.’’ Publisher was shocked because that is the reality whom father of
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